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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

another good video


you have to go to the site to see the video, sound not necessary

Pixar in-jokes

here is a great reference list of in-jokes at Pixar (how each film references at least one other)


This is too true to be funny, but you HAVE to watch it!

Unknown Worlds! by Revilo

These are hilarious, you should go here to see more!

Tormenting Telemarketers

Strage Uses of Money

2.3 Tons of pennies sit in this glass box. It is part of a Holocaust memorial.

For more go here

How Caffeinated are You?

The Caffeine Click Test - How Caffeinated Are You?
Created by OnePlusYou

Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin, R. I. P.

Comedian George Carlin has just passed away. Known for his acerbic wit and raunchy humor, Carlin was most famous for his "Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television" routine, where he did actually say all 7 words, and for which he was actually arrested.

Wikipedia Bio

more You Tube vids

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