This is a really interesting article from PBS's Frontline. I'm too old for this! I'm definitely a digital immigrant. Click here or on the post title to go to the link.
Still bored? Here's another site with great stuff to read!
Thanks for taking a chance and reading my blog. I hope to include a lot of the stuff that interests me about the world here. I hope to get a lot of comments, too. If there's something you'd like to talk about, let me know.
Just to get us started:
I support Obama. I'm SO glad he won, the world may go on, after all!
I'm very liberal and green. In more ways than one ;)
I support alternative energy sources (such as wind, water & sun).
I support drilling for oil in ANWR (see and offshore drilling, both when done using technology to protect the environment and ourselves.
I'm OUTRAGED at what has been allowed to happen in the Sudan area of Darfur.
Zimbabwe's "President" Robert Mugabe is crazy and one of the most evil people on this planet!
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